DiscoverAre You There, Midlife? It’s Me, Monica. | Balance Hormones Naturally in Perimenopause, Menopause for Women Over 4046 | Too Embarrassed To Ask? The Truth About Candida, Yeast Infections, And Hormone Imbalance [Perimenopause: From A-Z]
46 | Too Embarrassed To Ask? The Truth About Candida, Yeast Infections, And Hormone Imbalance [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

46 | Too Embarrassed To Ask? The Truth About Candida, Yeast Infections, And Hormone Imbalance [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

Update: 2024-11-05


Hey friend,


Are you dealing with sudden, out-of-control cravings for sugary, starchy, or carby foods? (like, more than normal?)


…What about bloating, a skin rash, or even sinus issues that won’t go away (even though you’re doing everything to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle?)


…Or maybe you’ve found yourself visiting the Monistat aisle at your favorite drugstore a bit more frequently lately, because, umm, something’s going on “down there” again?


If you’ve been experiencing any or all of these symptoms, something called “candida overgrowth” could be to blame. And while there’s nothing quite like ANOTHER yeast infection to rain on your holiday parade, candida can also be a sign of an underlying hormonal imbalance.


In this week’s episode, I’m going to share with you everything you wanted to know about candida (but maybe were afraid to ask), including why so many women experience candida more often in perimenopause and menopause.


Join me in this episode where I’ll unpack:

  • 5 different ways candida shows up in our bodies

  • The “silent” symptoms of candida overgrowth to watch out for

  • 6 causes of candida infection, including the relationship between candida and diet 

  • The connection between estrogen and candida

Plus, I’ll share the problem with conventional candida treatment and the first thing you need to do to stop a recurring yeast infection.


If you’re too embarrassed to go to your doctor (or worried he’ll just brush off your questions with another prescription), this episode is for you!

Next Steps:


Do You Have A Hormone Imbalance? Take the quiz.


Free Call! Discover the Root Cause Of Your Hormone Imbalance.   


EP 14 | Is Estrogen Dominance Causing Your Hormonal Weight Gain? 3 Quick Tips To Move The Scale


EP 17 | The Hidden Cause of Hormonal Weight Gain in Women Over 40–Adrenal Fatigue

EP 20 | Menopause, Sleeping Problems, and Post Menopausal Weight Gain: Is Low Estrogen to Blame?


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*Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The information is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are advised to do your own research and speak to your medical provider for care.

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46 | Too Embarrassed To Ask? The Truth About Candida, Yeast Infections, And Hormone Imbalance [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

46 | Too Embarrassed To Ask? The Truth About Candida, Yeast Infections, And Hormone Imbalance [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

Monica Topete | Holistic Health Coach | Perimenopause Educator | Hormone Imbalance Survivor